
Fazer Lazer Rangefinder PRO
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Know your distance, with the Fazer rangefinder, a highly accurate lazer device, to give you the confidence to select the right club for the best results. The rangefinder has a range of 1000 meters, and has a variety of different modes to help you get the best results.
The Fazer rangefinder gives superior accurate distance readings to within +/-1 Yard, and allows you to toggle between different modes of measurments. With a simple touch of a button you can choose between “Ranging”, “Pinseeker”, “Golf distance correction”, “Fog”, “Horizontal distance measure”, “Vertical height” and Speed circularly.
"Pinseeker Mode" Target the rangefinder at flag pole and scan, when the distance to flag pole is measured, the reading will be kept and the flag on screen will blink to show that the flag distance is locked. "Golf Distance Correction Mode" (Golf Slope Compensated Distance) After acquiring distance to flag pole, the angle is measured at the same time. The rangefinder then starts a ballistic calculation, and the angle compensated distance will show alternatively with angle on the view screen.
"Fog Mode" Start ranging and fog mode will assist if fog is making visibility more difficult. "Horizontal & Vertical Distance Modes" Measure distance and angles after calculation, horizontal distance, vertical height and angle will display alternatively. "Speed Mode" Start measuring speed, aim the rangefinder at moving targets, and the speed of the moving object will display.